What is the TSA Technology Honor Society?
The TSA Technology Honor Society recognizes TSA members who excel in academics, leadership, and service to their school and community.
You will be part of a select group of TSA members that exemplifies the high ideals of academics and service. Inductees will be recognized at the national conference and all members will receive cords, which can be worn at high school graduation.
Entry Qualifications/Requirements
Maintain at least a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) based on a 4.0 grade point scale, or equivalent.
Maintain a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) based on a 4.0 grade point scale or equivalent in
technology education classes, if currently enrolled in such classes.
Hold at least one chapter, state, or national office, sufficiently fulfilling its duties for one full school year.
Hold an office in an organization other than TSA.
Attend at least one state and one national conference.
Place within the top three in a state or national TSA competitive event.
Be an active member of TSA in a currently affiliated chapter for at least one semester.
Participate in a service project that benefits the school.
Participate in a service project that benefits the community.
Serve on a chapter, state, or national committee.
Give a presentation on TSA to an organization outside one's chapter (i.e., PTA school faculty, board of
education, etc.).
TSA members inducted into the TSA Technology Honor Society are recognized at the national TSA
conference for their achievements. They also receive a TSA Technology Honor Society lapel pin.
A $5 fee must be included with the Gold Achievement Award application and the Technology Honor
Society award application in order for processing to proceed. These nominations are submitted online by
the state TSA advisor.
Your chapter advisor must review your application and submit it to the state advisor.