Lost the election for office? Can’t commit to the state officer team but still want to get involved? Then joining a committee may be a great option!
Committees are groups of people working on a specific type of role that MDTSA has to fill. It is an efficient way to classify the goals of MDTSA and allocate them to people that can accomplish them best because of interest or skill level. So we encourage you to join a committee that fills a function that you are interested in. If you are good at UX design perhaps join the Public Relations Committee to work on the website.
If you are passionate about making the Fall Rally come to fruition then you can join the Events Committee. Maybe you are into serving your community? Then you can help out with the Special Projects Committee.
Below are descriptions of what each committee does. Contact the Committee Chief if you are interested.
Public Relations
Update the website, send out newsletters, and keep up communications with the chapters and their officers/advisors
Manage MDTSA twitter and instagram
Head of PR Committee goes through emails periodically
Open a channel between committees and chapter officers
Chief: Brianna Charlton- mdtsareporter@mdtsa.org
Membership Promotion
Promote TSA to high schools and middle schools across the state; can subdivide even further into committees such as Montgomery County Recruitment committee, Howard County Recruitment committee, etc.
Members of this committee would have to know people in other countries to try and start up TSA in their chapters or communicate with schools’ administration people about the importance of TSA
Contact PTSO groups at schools, existing VEX, MISA, SeaPerch, Science Olympiad, etc. to expand their clubs
Membership map
Reach out to past officers and ask them if they’d like to be part of that group
Market TSA with its alumni who have gone on to study at Penn, Hopkins, MIT, UMD Honors College, etc.
Chief: Daniela Pena- mdtsavicepresident@mdtsa.org
Plan the leadership conference for next fall, other events such as the Fall Rally, workshops, fundraisers
Fall Rally: a half day long event with numerous activities TSA related that may be held at a university, or any activities that engage the students of TSA
Leadership Conference: a day or weekend long event that invites TSA members to collaborate with each other in challenging team building activities while instilling the values of LEAP along the way
Brainstorm other possible events that can engage the TSA membership throughout the year
Priority is to strengthen bonds between TSA members through enjoyable and social activities
Chief: George Witt - mdtsapresident@mdtsa.org
Alumni Association
Would keep up the Alumni Association Facebook page
Work on expanding the network
Helps when setting up events such as Fall rally which are at Colleges and Universities
Chief: Mehul Sachdev - mdtsaimmediatepast@mdtsa.org
Special Projects
Members plan and conduct side projects that could revolve around community service or competitions within TSA to engage its members such as t-shirt design contest for t-shirts students can purchase at state conferences
Business outreach for sponsorship
Reach out to STEM corporations or organizations about providing TSA members internship or volunteer opportunities
Chief: Caroline Finn - mdtsatreasurer@mdtsa.org
Keep up with LEAP updates and make sure its ideas are conveyed to each chapter in Maryland
Chief: Ema Rajala - mdtsasergeantatarms@mdtsa.org